Applying the Colored Frames in After Effects


1. If you haven't already opened a new composition, press Ctl + N (Macintosh: Option key + N) to do so.

2. Import a photo, video clip or animation by pressing Ctl + I (Macintosh: Option key + I) .

3. Press Ctl + I (Macintosh: Option key + I) again and choose a frame file from the frame sub folder.

4. Both files will appear in the Project window.

5. Drag both files into the Time Layout window, but make sure the frame layer is above the photo layer.

6. From the second pop up menu at the bottom of the Time Layout dialog, choose "Transfer Controls".

7. To adjust the two layers to match the composition resolution, do the following with each of the two layers:

a. Activate the layer by clicking on it in the Time Layout window.

b. Press Shift + Ctl + S (Macintosh: Option key + Shift + S) to display the Scale dialog.

c. In the Units combo box select "% of composition".

d. Replace the values in the Width and Height combo boxes with "100%". You will probably have to uncheck the Preserve Frame Aspect Ratio check box to be able to do this.

e. Press OK.


8. Activate the frame layer by clicking on it and select Keying | Color Key from the Effect menu.

9. In the Effect Controls window click on the dropper symbol and click on the inner area of the frame in the preview window to select its color.

10. Adjust the Color Tolerance slider until nothing of the inner white area is visible and the underlying layer is visible.

11. Adjust the Edge Feather slider to smooth the inner border of the frame.